- All
MDCN does not post doctors on the portal. Rather it is the responsibility of interested and qualified doctors to visit the portal and select any center of their choice from the available ones. If no Centre is displayed, it means there are no vacancies in the institutions. The Doctor should wait for the next batch of vacancies to be declared by the MDCN.
Complaints should be channeled to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
Kindly note that the request for the replacement of your bank name with the correct one. Should include the following information: your name, folio no, account no, the wrong bank name and the correct one.
Complaints should be channeled to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
Kindly note that the request for the replacement of your bvn with the correct one. Should include the following information: your name, folio no, account no, the wrong bvn and the new bvn.
Complaints should be channeled to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
Kindly note that the request for the replacement of your passport photograph with the correct one. Should include the following information: your name, folio no, account no, the wrong passport photograph and the correct one.
Complaints should be channeled to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
Kindly note that the request for the replacement of your email with the correct one
Should include the following information: your name, folio no, date of issue of provisional registration, name of the school you graduated from and the new email address.
1) If the password reset link is not sent to your inbox or primary or update folder, it will surely be sent to your junk or spam folder.
2) If it is sent to your inbox, or primary or update folder just click on it and follow the on-screen instructions. If it is sent to your junk or spam folder, right-click on it, select not junk or select move to inbox, then go to inbox, to open it and then follow the on-screen instructions.
This is because the reset link is in your spam or junk folder, and you need to first move it to your inbox before clicking on it. Following these steps:
Right-click on the reset link in your junk or spam folder, select not junk or select move to inbox, then go to inbox, to open it and then follow the on-screen instructions.
All password reset links are designed, by global standard, to expire 1 hour after it was created. Hence, if you click on the password reset link sent to your mail after 1 hour of its creation, it will show error. You need to do another forgot password and ensure the link is used before it expires.
When you do a forgot password:
A message will be sent to either your Inbox or Spam or Junk folder.
Check these 3 places mentioned above.
If you found the message in the spam or junk folder, please move it to the inbox first, before trying to open the message.
After moving the message to the inbox, open the message and click on the link named "change password" in red color. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Kindly see the steps for forgot password below. Please pay special attention to steps 6 and 7
1. Kindly visit the housemanship portal (https://housemanship.mdcn.gov.ng/auth/login )
and click on the FORGOT PASSWORD link.
2. A new page will be displayed asking you to enter your email.
3. Enter your email address in the box and click on the submit button.
4. A password reset successful message will be displayed.
5. Now, a password reset link will be sent to your email.
6. Open your mail, click on the PASSWORD RESET link just sent to the mail, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the password reset process.
Tip for password: you may use four letters (the first letter should be capital), followed by four numbers, then the exclamation mark (!). e.g Beny2025!
7. If the password reset link is not in your inbox, check for it in your spam folder or in your junk folder, then move it to the inbox, then click on the password reset link. Please note that if you click the password reset link directly in your spam/junk folder, it will not respond. Hence, you have to move it to inbox before clicking on the link.
8. Please let us know if the issue has been resolved or if there is any need for us to render further assistance.
The folio number is a unique means of identification for doctors in the doctors’ Register. Hence, this cannot be changed.
The housemanship programme is designed to run uninterrupted for 12 months (1 year). To this end, resignation is not allowed. However, should any doctor resign, he/she will have to pay back all allowances he/she has received from the start of the programme till date or face disciplinary action.
The housemanship programme is designed to run uninterrupted for 12 months (1 year). To this end, resignation is not allowed.
The names of institutions that appear in the drop down box for selection of center is based on availability of spaces in the various centers. That is, names of those institutions with spaces at their centers will appear for selection while names of those whose spaces have been fully occupied will not appear in the drop down selection. Doctors are expected to choose from the available centers or wait till when the choice center will be available for selection.
All spaces in all the internship institutions have been fully occupied. Hence, the name of none of them is appearing. That is, none of them is available for selection at that material time.
This happens if a house officer failed to report/resume at their chosen centers within the period stipulated on their posting letter. The portal is design to automatically cancel/roll back the officer’s initial posting.
It is possible that when the house officers resumed duty, the contact person for the center forgot to “mark them as resumed”. If that is the case, the centre contact person should go back to mark such house officers as “RESUMED”. However, if such posting is over two weeks there is possibility that the posting would have been automatically rolled back and such house officer’s posting is no longer valid. He/she will not be able to continue training with the institution. HE WILL NOW HAVE TO REAPPLY/SELECT ANOTHER POSTING WHEN NEXT VACANCIES ARE DECLARED/ AVAILABLE.
Once their names appear in the center, it means they have indeed legitimately and successfully posted themselves to that center through the portal. Such house officers should be accepted.
The various designated housemanship centers have been informed to confirm/accept house officers whose names appear in their module on the portal. Any affected house officer not accepted should send complaints to housemanship@mdcn.gov.ng
(1). Once a house officer has posted himself/herself to a center, the posting cannot be undone. On submitting, the portal will ask the officer to confirm the center he/she has decided to post himself/herself to, and to click the submit button if this is ok with him/her, otherwise, to click the cancel button if this is not ok with him/her. Hence, once an officer posted himself/herself to a center, the posting cannot be undone.
(2). The housemanship programme is designed to run uninterrupted. To this end, resetting/reposting/resignation/transfer is not allowed.
For house officers: Complaints on payment related issues, should be channel to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
For contact person: Payment related issues concerning your center’s house officers should be sent to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy). Please the following details should be included :- name of the center, name of affected house officers, folio number, bvn, bank name, bank account number, the month for which the officers did not receive payment.
For house officers: payment related issues like this should be channeled to the contact person of the center who will then forward same to: (i) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (ii) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng (softcopy).
For contact person: Payment related issues concerning your center’s house officers should be sent to: (1) The Registrar, MDCN (hard copy), (2) houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng softcopy). Please the following details should be included :- name of the center, name of affected house officers, folio number, bvn, bank name, bank account number, the month for which the officers did not receive payment.
The housemanship programme is designed to run uninterrupted for 12 months (1 year). To this end, resignation is not allowed. However, Should this happen the affected house officer must refund all salaries he/she has received from the start of his/her programme till date. The housemanship institution should promptly write an official letter to the Registrar, MDCN, informing him of same.
Some email systems with very poor and old configurations have been found to be incompatible with the portal, for instance, rocket mail, boxbe email, etc. Try using a more modern email systems like gmail.com, outlook.com, etc.
(1). If the login details is not sent to your inbox, check your junk/spam folder.
(2). If you are using an outdated/poorly configured email, (e.g. rocket mail, boxbe email), it is possible that the problem is there. Get a gmail or outlook email and send a request for replacement of your email on the portal to : housemanship@mdcn.gov.ng
It is likely you are typing the wrong folio number. Please confirm and type in the correct folio number.
No. MDCN recognizes all housemanship training done in any MDCN approved federal, state and private housemanship institutions/centers. However, the Federal Government will only be responsible for payment of allowances/salaries to house officers undergoing their housemanship training through the posting on the MDCN Centralized Housemanship Portal.
This simply means that the portal will reclaim the slot/space reserved for the house officer in his/her choice center in the current batch. He/she will not be able to participate in the current training with the batch, and WILL NOW HAVE TO REAPPLY/SELECT ANOTHER POSTING WHEN NEXT VACANCIES ARE DECLARED/AVAILABLE.
The affected house officers will need to apply for re-validation of his/her provisional certificate.
Visit the housemanship portal : https://housemanship.mdcn.gov.ng
Click on the “Register” button.
In the folio number box, type your folio number in this format MDCN/R/XXXXXXX (please replace XXXX with actual number).
In the date of issue box, type the date in which the provisional certificate was issued in this format mm/dd/yyyy (Note mm means month, dd means day, yyyy means year).
Click on the Proceed button.
After click on the proceed button, form is displayed.
Complete the form and submit.
If all is “ok”, your login details (username and password) will be sent to your email.
Retrieve your login details from your email and proceed to login with it.
Login with your contact person’s login details.
On the left side of your profile page, click on “Manage Posting”.
To see the list of all new doctors that have posted themselves to the center, look for a box named “Search Box” and type awaiting acceptance.
To accept each of the house officers, look for the button named “Mark As Resumed” and click on it for the doctors. For more details, please see and download the manual titled “STEPS FOR ACCEPTING NEW HOUSE OFFICERS” from our DOWNLOAD PAGE.
Housemanship centers are not expected to reject any house officer posted to them. In case this happens for any unforeseen reason, the concerned house officer is advised to formally write to the Registrar of Council informing him of such through housemanship@mdcn.gov.ng.
Sometimes due configuration settings by your email providers, some mails that are meant to go your inbox may end up in your spam or junk folder. Hence, check your spam/junk folder to be sure that the mail is not there. If you still did not see the posting letter, then send a complaint to housemanship@mdcn.gov.ng so that the letter can be resent.
House officers are expected to sort out their accommodation issues themselves or optionally with their respective training institutions as the accommodation allowance is being paid directly to the house officers by the government.
House officers undergoing housemanship training are not expected to participate in such strike.
(1). Once a house officer has posted himself/herself to a center, the posting cannot be undone. The submitting, the portal will ask the officer to confirm the center he/she has decided to post himself/herself to, and to click the submit button if this is ok with him/her, otherwise, to click the cancel button if this is not ok with him/her. Hence, once an officer posted himself/herself to a center, the posting cannot be undone.
(2). The housemanship programme is designed to run uninterrupted for 12 months (1 year). To this end, resetting/reposting/resignation/transfer is not allowed.
This is not true. MDCN always publishes notification on the mdcn.gov.ng prior to any declaration of vacancies on the housemanship portal. Note: Vacancies are declared based on availability of spaces at the various centers.
All intending house officers/the general public will be notified through our website (www.mdcn.gov.ng) on the RECENT NEWS page, before any vacancy will be declared.
All housemanship training centres are to ensure that all house officers at their centers are cleared on or before 15th of every month.
Centers with such challenges should forward details of the house officers with covering letters duly signed by the CMD/MD to the Registrar via: houseofficersfinance@mdcn.gov.ng or housemanship@mdcn.gov.ng.
No. if a house officer refused/failed to report within the stipulated 2 weeks as contained in the posting letter, the portal system will automatically roll back/cancel the posting and releases the slot for other intending house officers.
This problem is usually connected with an issue from your mobile device (phone). Try registering on a laptop/desktop.
No. Housemanship training is to be done uninterruptedly for a 12 months period .Hence, resignation is not allowed and officers found in such practices will be sanctioned by MDCN.
The doctor needs to be specific on the type of payment issue he/she is having and the type of service he is paying for.
This could be due to the reasons stated below:
-The doctor did not make full payment for his Annual license renewal.
-He/she did not pay for NMA building levy or payment made was not complete.
- The doctor did not upload his/her MBBS, Certificate.
-The passport photograph is not in the right format.
-The doctor’s file is not accessible.
The doctor can send mail to support@mdcn.gov.ng , registration@mdcn.gov.ng, any of the official mails or calls this line. 08160445777, stating their complaints and it would be resolved.
This can be resolved following the steps below:
*Go to the doctor’s dashboard,
*Click on Insurance Indemnity,
*Scroll to the end of the page and
*Click re-query all transaction
Note: If the doctor was actually debited the issue would be resolved.
The problem might be from the login procedure.
To login to your profile page,
Click on sign in,
Click here under doctors access,
Input MDCN/R/Folio Number
Then input password.
And click log in.
This is because the Folio number is already in use which might be because, an account had been previously created using the same folio number and the account is active. So trying to create another account with the same details will bring up the message “Folio Number already in use”. The doctor should contact MDCN for advice via support@mdcn.gov.ng , registration@mdcn.gov.ng, any of the official mails or calls this line. 08160445777, stating his/her complaints and it would be resolved.
Official working days for MDCN is from Monday to Friday. Hence if a Doctor signed up on a weekend for instance after official closing hour on Friday, he may need to wait till Monday for his/her account to be verified and activated.
-This delay might be due to several request for account activation .Folio numbers and full names need to be verified before granting account activation.
-Also Doctors who applied after official closing hours on Friday may need to wait till Monday for their account to be verified and activated.
To access your certificate, login to your dashboard and click on “My Certificate”.
The message “Account cannot be found” is due to the fact that the doctor is yet to create an account on the MDCN portal and he/she is trying to login. When you receive this message,
*Click on register
*Click under the New Doctor Account
*Fill your details on the registration form and submit.
Your Account will be activated within 48 hrs.
Change is reflected by MDCN and not the Doctor.
The doctor should send his/her complaint to support@mdcn.gov.ng , registration@mdcn.gov.ng, attaching all the said RRR.MDCN designated staff will assist him with adding the RRR from the backend and he would be communicated.
Kindly check your dashboard on the portal
On the doctor’s dashboard he/she should click on payment, scroll to the end of the page to know if the application was submitted then click on print receipt.
Certificate of good standing is processed within 10 to 14 working days
Verification of certificate of good standing and dataflow is not on the MDCN portal.
The Doctor should send his/her complaint to the official emails support@mdcn.gov.ng , registration@mdcn.gov.ng, for correction of email address on the portal. Kindly provide the new email address.
This could be due to the reasons stated below:
-The doctor did not make full payment for his Annual license renewal.
-He/she did not pay for NMA building levy or payment made was not complete.
- The doctor did not upload his/her MBBS, Certificate.
-The passport photograph is not in the right format.
-The doctor’s file is not accessible.
This could be due to the reasons stated below:
-The doctor did not make full payment for his Annual license renewal.
-He/she did not pay for NMA building levy or payment made was not complete.
- The doctor did not upload his/her MBBS, Certificate.
-The passport photograph is not in the right format.
-The doctor’s file is not accessible.
Registration Requirements
**The Doctor must be in good standing from the year of graduation till date.
**The doctor must fill in the name of the organization and their correct official address on the application for .NOT THEIR HOUSE ADDRESS
Steps for Online Application
**Create a profile on the portal.
**Login with your details (Folio Number/Email and Password) at www.portal.mdcn.gov.ng
** On the dashboard, click on my application then new application you should see certificate of good standing click on it.
**Update your records.
**Proceed to make payment via the portal.
**Doctors must have at least 20 units CPD points in PDF format which should be uploaded on the portal.
**Doctors are expected to pay before the 31st of December of the preceding year.
**To pay for annual practicing license via the portal, clicks on my license, click purchase license then click on proceed.
**All outstanding year payment must be paid.
**Late payment attracts 100 percent penalty.
** Documents to be uploaded include MBBS certificate, birth certificate which must be in PDF format and password photograph which must be in jpeg format which should not be larger than 15Kb.
**The online profile must be 100 percent complete before payment is made through the portal.
** He or she must have paid NMA levy
**Create a first time user account by entering Doctors details, (Names folio number, email address and phone number) after which a password will be sent to input email.
**Login with your details (Folio Number/Email and password) at www.portal.mdcn.gov.ng
**Select License from the list of services.
**Click my license then click on CPD points which take you to the files to be uploaded.
**Update your records.
**Proceed to make payment via the portal.
**Upload the necessary documents (passport photograph, MBBS/Equivalent Certificate, Birth Certificate).
Registration Requirements
The Doctor must be in good standing from the year of graduation till date. He or she must have paid NMA levy, Evidence of full registration certificate, Evidence of notification/original fellowship certificate and updated profile.
Steps for Registration
**Create a profile on the portal.
** Login to the dashboard and click on application for additional qualification.
** Fill out the basic information on the first page save and continue.
**Fill out the area of specialization if applicable, save and continue.
**Fill out the Medical School/Post graduate school information.
** Upload the passport in jpeg format
** Upload birth certificate and MBBS/BDS certificate/postgraduate certificate / and full Registration.
Certificate in pdf format.
** Afterwards go back to the portal homepage and click on my application/ new application.
**Select the Additional qualification category option and upload the required documents.
**Make payment on the portal (note that verification fee of postgraduate certificate charges may differ based on postage rates.
**Go to the portal homepage and select NMA building levy option and pay via portal.
**Passport photographs
**Marriage Certificate
**Court Affidavit
**Newspaper Publication
**Login with your details (Folio Number/Email and Password) at www.portal.mdcn.gov.ng
**Select change of name from the list of services.
**Update your records.
**Proceed to make payment via the portal.
**Upload the necessary documents (newspaper publication, court affidavit, marriage certificate and passport photograph).
**Passport photographs
**Birth certificate/Age declaration
The doctor must have attained 70 years old He must be up to date in his practicing license from his year of graduation till date.
**Login with your details (Folio Number/Email and password) at www.portal.mdcn.gov.ng
**Select life License from the list of services.
**Update your records.
**Proceed to make payment via the portal.
**Upload the necessary documents (passport photograph, MBBS/Equivalent Certificate, Birth Certificate/age declaration).
-Profile must be 100% complete
-Click on the professional data
-Click on the internship performance and upload the form B, form E, form F and cover letter
-Click on the insurance indemnity option to pay for the insurance indemnity (Doctor will be redirected to the cornerstone portal and back after payment)
-After payment, go back to the dashboard and click on ‘’my application’’- new application and select full registration.
-Proceed to apply and make payment via the portal.
- Create a profile on the portal
- Login and fill out the basic information on the first page. Save and continue
- Fill out the area of specialization and sub-specialization if applicable. Save and continue
- Fill out the medical school information. Save and continue
- Pay for the insurance indemnity (Doctor will be redirected to the cornerstone portal and back after payment.
- Upload the passport in jpeg format.
- Upload birth certificate and MBBS/BDS certificate in PDF format
- Afterwards go back to the MDCN homepage and click on ‘’my application-‘’new application’’
- Select the ‘’FULL REGISTRATION WITHOUT PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION/ ADDITIONAL’’ option and upload the required documents.
- Make the payment on the portal (note that charges may differ based on postage rates)
Go to the portal homepage and select NMA building levy option and pay via portal.
- Profile must be 100% completed.
- Click on the insurance indemnity option to pay for the insurance indemnity (Doctor will be redirected to the cornerstone portal and back after payment)
- After payment, go back to the dashboard and click on ‘’my application’’- new application
- Select ‘’Full registration without provisional registration/ Assessment exam’’ to apply
- Upload the required documents and make the payment (note that charges may differ based on postage rates)
Go to the portal homepage and select NMA building levy option and pay via portal.
- Profile must be 100% completed.
- Go to the dashboard and click on ‘’my application- New application
- Select ‘’CTC’’ for full Registration’’ and upload all required document
Proceed to submit application and pay via the portal.
*Letter to the registrar of mdcn, introducing the practitioner his/ intention/ duration of practice in Nigeria by his employer.
*Current letter (certificate) of good standing (LOGS) from professional regulatory body of country of origin.
*copy of basic medical/ dental/alternative medicine certificate.
*Copy of additional/specialist certificate
*contact details of basic and additional specialist institution(address ,website
*Evidence of registration in country of origin
*Copy of data page of international passport.
- Profile must be 100% completed.
- Go to the dashboard and click on ‘’my application- New application
- Select ‘’Temporary registration’’ and upload all required document
- Completion of application forms Temporary registration
- Completion of application form for Practicing License
- Proceed to submit application and pay via the portal.
On your dashboard click on other payments, then click on late registration and put description of what you are paying for.
The doctor have to contact MDCN office or send a mail to support@mdcn.gov.ng or registration@mdcn.gov.ng to enable him to edit.
The doctor has to be enable edit before he can change any form.
The doctor should check his inbox, junk, or spam.
To change password click on reset password, But if having issues send a mail to support@mdcn.gov.ng or registration@mdcn.gov.ng for assistance
On your dashboard click on my payments then scroll to the page and click on print receipt.
On your dashboard click on my application then previous application you would see the rejected application, Click on the details to see the reason for the rejection the doctor is advised to do the needful, After editing the application form or attaching the relevant document, the application should be re-submitted twice.
On your dashboard click on my application then previous application you would see the rejected application.
The doctor should formally write a letter of complaint to the Registrar explaining the issue and attaching the payment receipts.
The doctor should formally write a letter of complaint to the NMA president explaining the issue and attaching the payment receipts.
If the number on the website is not going through kindly send an email to support @mdcn.gov.ng or registration@mdcn.gov.ng.